Myth: The age that you begin to shave influences the amount of hair you will have on your legs and underarms. Fact: These factors are determined strictly by heredity. Early experiences with shaving coincide with the natural increase in hair growth resulting from puberty. Myth: Shaving promotes darker, thicker or faster re-growth of hair on legs and underarms. Fact: Since shaving removes hair on the surface of the skin, it doesn't affect the color or the thickness of the hair. After an area has been shaved, the hair shafts start to emerge from the follicle, so your hair looks and feels coarse and bristly. If you allow the hair to grow out, it will take on its original appearance and texture. Myth: A tan can be removed by shaving. Fact: Tanning occurs at the lower levels of your skin, where the skin's pigment cells are located. Razor blades never come in contact with these cells. Shaving can actually "polish" your skin and give it a healthy glow. You'll improve the look of your tan by removing flaky surface skin cells that give your skin a dull appearance. | |